Question Answer Section

This section is dedicated to answering your questions about Islam, religious practices, and everyday challenges. Our knowledgeable scholars are here to provide you with insightful and accurate answers based on Islamic teachings.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the significance of fasting in Islam?

Fasting during the month of Ramadan is one of the Five Pillars of Islam, symbolizing spiritual growth, self-discipline, and empathy for the less fortunate.

Category: Fasting

How can I perform daily prayers correctly?

Performing daily prayers (Salah) includes specific physical movements and recitations. It is essential to learn the correct posture and supplications from authentic sources.

Category: Prayer

What are the rights of parents in Islam?

Islam emphasizes kindness, respect, and obedience to parents. Serving them and honoring them is a key aspect of being a good Muslim.

Category: Family

What is the concept of Zakat in Islam?

Zakat is an obligatory charity given to the poor and needy. It purifies wealth and promotes social justice.

Category: Charity

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